Ciao Funderbeam
As of January 18th, 2019 I will move on from the company which ignited my Estonian adventure.
It comes with great difficulty — but today — I’m announcing openly — my career with Funderbeam will be coming to an end.
You can only lose what you cling to.— Buddha
I’ll steer clear of explaining the precise circumstances of my departure and instead focus this article thanking people, sharing something I could use your support with (probably pretty obvious what that will be — ha!), and highlighting some fond memories.
Let’s get started with all the THANK YOU’S
Massive thanks…
To my friend, Oregon State alumni, CMO, and direct report, Mads Emil Dalsgaard. We started our journey with Funderbeam one week apart and from that point, it felt that we were destined to crush marketing in tandem. Your work-ethic, perspective, organization, and vision are at a level beyond your years. As a former entrepreneur, you have the total package. It has been a pleasure working, learning, and experiencing life together. You’re the real deal and I owe you more than just a simple thanks — maybe some gin.
Massive thanks…
To my friend, mentor, and crazy-compass, Urmas Peiker. You provided me with more than just a means of financial compensation. You provided me with a home and way of life. You’ve helped me feel like I have a family thousands of miles away from Minneapolis and have provided me inspiration to last a lifetime. I will always hold you in the highest regard. You’re loyal, team-oriented, open, fair, and a number of additionally admirable qualities. You’ll pretend you already know this but I feel the need to make it apparent.
Massive thanks…
To Kaidi Ruusalepp, Urmas Peiker (again), Villu Arak, and Ardo Mardisoo. Three years ago, you all reviewed my CV, conducted multiple Skype sessions, and ultimately offered me a job with Funderbeam. I hope that I repaid your trust with value and then some. I tried to always be mindful of the opportunity you provided me and I did my best to go above and beyond the call of duty. Kaidi, you were always accessible and mindful to nurture my development as a person and professional. I am infinitely grateful to you for founding the company which has provided me so many life experiences. I do not have the means to repay the generosity that you and Funderbeam have provided me. I hope this very simple thanks and admission that you made a massive impact on my life, payment in full. If not… I.O.U.
Massive thanks…
To my friends and fellow Funderbeamers — especially Dagmar and Kirill! From Day 1, I’ve tried to approach life in Estonia as one living organism — where my work life and social life would blend into each other in balance and harmony. You all have played a significant role in this — but Dagmar and Kirill, you have made my transition to Estonia, a literal breeze. It’s been so easy and that’s in large part to your caring nature (Dagmar) and your cynical and sarcastic humor (Kirill). You both have been my linchpins over the past few years. Thanks! To everyone else, I have tried to always been open and accessible. I understand this is not easy to embrace but my OPEN INVITE policy will continue to stand — for you, I’m always accessible and hopeful we’ll continue to spend time together.
Massive thanks…
To my girlfriend (who introduced me to Jobbatical) and all the fabulous people I’ve met while working for Funderbeam. People are at the crux of all my fondest life moments. People are what support, motivate, and inspire me so it is safe to assume that YOU are the reason I have loved every moment as a Funderbeamer. You have brought me a wealth of knowledge, memories, and positive emotion. I truly appreciate all the time you have given me.
Shout-outs and love to: Courtney, Hiro, Shotaro, Jimi, Rünno, Kirill, David, Pooley, Sander, Mehis, Damir, Grgo, Ilona, Jasper, Mark, Vlad, Christian, Mariano, Hiroto, Shahram, Veggie, Atsushi, Matt, Dutch David, Belgian BOB, Sven, Nathalie, Ingi, Orfy!!!!, Casey, Eetu, Jiho, Felipe, Knut, Lisa, Line, Claes Mikko, Jin, Jaanus (both of you), Nick, Ratko, An, Gerrie, Luigi, Catriin, Gerd, RAZOR, Timo, Seher, Riho, Double B, Erik, Viljar, Taivo, Markko, Avery, Karina, Gabe, Piia, Scott, Kristi, Alo, Annika, Helen, Declan, James, Thomas, Tony, Jian, Kiril Cydonia, Monika, Rossana, Tim, Dea, Alina, Jan, Tarmo, Indrek, Elise, Mari-Liis, Madis, Sulev, Jaanis, Kentaro (even though he hates me), Alex, Sergiu, Carolin, Ryan, Maris, Raul, Shaun, Henri, Rauno, Carlos, Ingrid, Olga, Adriano, Maria, and many more lovely people. Thank you!
Do your best, and forget the rest. — Tony Horton
Ultimately, of course I’m upset — but such is life — opportunity comes and goes. There is a start and end to everything. I put forth as much effort and focus as possible and made a positive impact on the business and will continue to do so — just in a new capacity.
Now — I have something to ask of you:
I’d say most of my professional value is derived from my B2B and ad agency experience with globally focused Fortune 100’s like 3M and Microsoft. But over the past few years I’ve built a nice network of SMEs, early-stage companies, and pan-European investors. I’d like to continue to focus a career helping investors, entrepreneurs, and anyone else interested in economic development — so, if you’re looking or know someone who is looking for a talented professional that has marketing, soft-sales (events), business development, and inter-personal skills (plus more!) — please reach out or email me directly at
I can easily relocate and I also have an incorporated business in Estonia with a long-term residency permit so I am flexible enough to be full-time, part-time, or contract.
Thank you!
Some more fun memories and one final message (way below):
Okay, I’ll stop here but the memories are endless. For anyone who was kind enough to scroll this far, thank you very much. I wish Funderbeam the best of luck going forward.
This was absolutely the best job I’ve ever had — 99.9% because of the people — The Funderbeamers, Tallinn’s startup community, and of course all the incredible people I’ve connected with while building Funderbeam’s investor and entrepreneur community.
There’s no real good way to end this so if you want, reach out — let’s meet-up, Skype, whatever — until then…
Ciao, Adios.